In-Fusio breaks through mobile gaming limits with its unique ExEn® technology. Coming in addition to other available and emerging technologies, In-Fusio ensures the best gaming experience to the widest audience.
  Thanks to a range of technologies, In-Fusio�s games cover all content categories
ExEn® games
  Developed by In-Fusio, ExEn® offers the very best video interface for real time animated graphics and therefore is the obvious choice for many games categories, such as arcade games and multiplayer adventure games. ExEn® games are downloaded from the GameZilla platform and are executed on ExEn® enabled handsets. (e.g., "Pile up", a game where you are competing against a crazy guy who is throwing piles of bricks at you. The only way to prevent him building the wall is to arrange the bricks in such a way as entire lines disappear. A game in the "Oldies but goodies" category.)
Java™ games
  A Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) implemented in the terminal allows for downloading and running various Java™ Script applications. The first Java™ enabled handsets were released at the beginning 2001 in Japan and this Springtime in Europe. The memory footprint of the JVM and the processing power required to properly run games can only be supported by high-end terminals. (Games under development)
SMS games
  These games use the widely-adopted SMS medium to exchange text with a game server. SMS games benefit from the largest installed base of enabled handsets, but players may find the poor user interface frustrating. The same thing goes for the price to play a game. A key factor of success is providing users with the right information on how to connect to the game server. (Games under development)
Embedded games
  Games are embedded in the terminal proprietary software and may interact with a game server via SMS or any available data channel. Embedded games make for good gameplay, as required for arcade games, but proprietary developments, and the fact that games cannot be changed, limit this technology to one-shot offers only. (e.g., "Les Games", web site :
Wap games
  Text and simple graphic applications run off a central server, well suited to adventure and trivia games. Whereas it allows for multiplayer games, main drawbacks include slowness of display and time-based pricing. The GPRS and enhanced WAP browser features that will soon be available, allowing short vectorial graphics animation, will help increase player acceptance of this technology. (For example, In Spirit, a multiplayer role-playing combat game that offers players from all over the world the opportunity to fight each other while connected.)